Sunday 27 May 2012

Day seventeen - Shongweni Farmer's Market. Crack of Dawn.

Up early on a Saturday morning, leaving home at half 7 to be somewhere, sounds important right?  Well it was, kind of.  I had finally convinced the S to come to the Shongweni Farmers Market.  I also scored massive brownie points with his rents by making him invite them to join us. Yes I did.

So after getting lost (big thanks to Google Maps for that one!) and starting out a bit late we finally arrived and nabbed a parking off someone already leaving the market.  With only one thing on our minds, after meeting the S' rents we made a beeline for the breakfast stalls.  

After shopping around and looking at the different options on offer I picked The Hearty Breakfast stall, which also happened to have the longest line.  Oh joys, always a winner on a not so early Saturday morning.  Anyway, after placing my order, which they also write your name on, great personalised element there.  Although it didn't really work as Melinda just did not come pick up her order of 4.  There was a little wait, in which I spent the time tasting the S' brekkie - french toast with mushrooms and bacon and then finding myself the smoothie stall where I ordered a mango,strawberry and banana smoothie.   Although quite thick the smoothie was delicious and instantly brought back a memory of Gili Air an island off of Bali where at breakfast (on the beach) I ordered a mango juice and the blender promptly started up and I was treated to a mango in a glass, literally the best juice I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in.  So not quite that calibre, but you get my drift how fresh it was.  Pity about the plastic cup it is served in, don't know if this is just oh so townie of me but I expected some kind of biodegradable, recycled cup of some sort.

Back to waiting in the queue for my breakfast, and feeling quite special when my name was finally called and I squeezed passed everyone waiting to claim my order.  We sat at benches with a wooden cog acting as our table, and I finally started in on my brekkie. Insert drum roll… potato rosti (this is like a deliciously warm, soft and well spiced hash brown) cooked spinach, bacon, poached egg, chives, rocket, hollandaise sauce and balsamic reduction.  My first bite was a slow warmth which started on my tongue and then quickly spread throughout my body down to my fingers and toes. I could not suppress the smile on my face or the quick shrug of my shoulders in pleasure.  All the fresh, just cooked and homemade flavours washed over me and I could taste each element separately which then stood up together to take the final bow creating a combined taste which was my breakfast.  The only downside was the lingering onion taste in my mouth which must have been used in the potato rosti, however this was quickly abated with swallowing the remainder of my mango berry smoothie.

The remainder of the morning was spent wandering the market, trying the different samples, feeling sorry for the little rescued animals, waiting for the S' dad to chat to worm farmers, water savers and herb garden builders about his latest herb/veggie garden project he has decided to embark on.

If you are looking for a fresh food experience where truly locally sourced food products are used then Shongweni Farmer's Market is it.  There are many breakfast stalls to choose from, you could even have a boerrie roll if you so desire.  Afterwards you can even do a bit of a grocery shop with loads of veggies, cold meats, breads, spreads and pastries available.  Face the cold early morning, I had a nap in the afternoon to make up for it, and head up to the Market you won't be disappointed.  Click here for more information on product offerings and directions on how to get there for those 'townies' who have no idea!

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